Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Fail :)

So far I am absolutely terrible at this, but I will try to get better :)

I'll share a little bit of our lives in each post I think. We'll see.

After 6 months of marriage I'm starting to get into the swing of things as far as staying on top of groceries, mail, laundry etc. Okay maybe not so much on laundry because I hate it.

So groceries and meals are a little different for us compared to most people. My Husband is a personal trainer for Equinox Fitness and he is the healthiest person I know. (and extremely fit and sexy! ;) ) Personal training and nutrition has always been something I have been interested in as well for a long time. I was all ready to go to school for it.. maybe in the future for health and nutrition. We need a balance. Two trainers in our house would be too much.

 But with that being said, we both have a passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle. He's a little better at it than I am... I still love my lattes.

For the most part we eat clean.  There are tons of definitions for this... but basically it's eating fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins, nuts (mostly raw almonds). Some define it as everything in its purest form which would mean getting all meats from a butcher... We mostly have chicken breasts and we buy too much of it a week to go organic or get it from a butcher!

I would say I eat 85% clean. I still will occasionally go out to eat with friends and family. Jesse (husband) is more towards 100%... he has this insane self discipline. It used to irritate me so much that he would never cheat, but really I was just jealous. Pretty sad lol. I hope our friends and family don't think we're stuck up food people or that we frown upon their fried food...

 This is how we chose to live and for me, with an occasional slice of pizza or scoop of ice cream  :) I feel so much better and get wayy better results from my workouts when I stick to it!

I am at the grocery store mm... almost everyday. I'm starting to keep track better though so that its less. Jesse is gone sometimes from 7am-8pm so he brings all of his food for the day. I try and help to make his life a little easier by measuring out his stuff for few days in advance. (this is more recent and it makes things easier!) People think its so complicated, but seriously 10 minutes a day to get your meals together and you're set.

Today is my Sunday. Which means tomorrow is Monday. Which means I have crap to get done. Praying this headache leaves... I don't have time for it.

Love, Sky