Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eyebrows gone bad

I said next post I would share my tomatoe basil pizza recipe and I will, but I needed to share my eyebrow obsession first.

 I'm mostly OCD about my brows because there was a time when they were bushy out of control, and then at a point were pencil thin and sickly scarce. I didn't realize how the shape and depth of your brows can change your entire face for the better, or for worse.

 I'm not sharing this because I am superficial. I believe that God wants us to put our best foot forward by being healthy, taking care of yourself, and looking your best. And when you do those things, you will feel good about yourself. Confidence should not come from the amount of makeup you wear, or if you have perfect eyebrows, but there are some little things that can make a huge difference and help give ya a boost :)

 Here is an example of what happens when you over tweeze/wax your brows too thin, it can look as bad as not having any at all!I think the reason why these pictures look so extreme is because all of these people have perfectly shaped and proportionate eyebrows normally. Yes they are celebs, (and the president lol) but just because you are not a celebrity doesn't mean you can't put a little effort in. There are plenty of tutorials online that can teach you how to do it yourself, or do yourself a favor and have a professional do them.. it is worth the 15$ every couple weeks. You might be spending more than that on coffee right now. Some people are afraid to fill their brows in. Especially blondes because they don't think their brows should be darker than their hair. Filling them in properly makes a world of difference as well. Next time you are at the mall, ask a makeup artist to show you how! I'm sure they will gladly show you for no charge... or at least give you a few tips.

Here is an example of a brow before and after filling it in. Look how it makes the eye pop. it changes your entire face.

 So here is my challenge. Take a look at yours, and spend 5 minutes on em. If you're a girl who doesn't really wear makeup this still applys to you. You can fill in your brows without it even looking like you did.. they'll just look 100% better

 Now you all know how weird I am, glad we got that out of the way

Monday, November 14, 2011

Flat Bread Dough

The flat bread pizza was a success! Mostly.. I will share my mistakes to help you avoid them :)

Here is the recipe for the dough!

You will need:

  • 6 1/2 C wheat flour *see bottom
  • 1 Tbs raw sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tbs salt
  • 1 1/2 Tbs granulated yeast (fast acting)
  • 2  3/4 C warm water
  • 1/4 C olive oil

Add the water, salt, sugar, oil, and mix until dissolved

Stir in 2 1/2 Cups of flour, then stir in the yeast

Mix in the rest of the flour in 1-2 cup increments. I switched to these claws half way through. It was better than the spoon.. but I ended up getting messy and using my hands to get all of the flour mixed in. It's super sticky so mix in as much flour as you can before digging in.

This is a 'no knead' recipe so just get all the flour mixed in

Let it rise for 2 hours then use as you please! You can zip lock it and refrigerate for later use for up to 12 days

For flat bread pizza, take 1/4 of the dough and roll it out onto a piece of wax paper. Spray it with pam first. It sticks!! I made the mistake of using too much dough. It will rise slightly in the oven, so for a thin crispy flat bread crust, roll out as thin as possible. Be careful it isn't too thin to transfer onto your preheated pan.

Pre-heat your oven to 500, along with the pan

Transfer your pizza onto the hot pan. I found the easiest way was to turn it completely over onto the pan, then gently remove the wax paper.

Quickly add your choice ingredients, then bake for 10-12 minutes, checking it periodically. With the higher temperature it will burn quickly if you're not careful!

As I mentioned, mine was a little thicker than what I was aiming for, but it was still a success! I saved my dough and will be trying this again next week. :) In the next post I will share my recipe for this amazing tomato basil pizza!

*The flour
I am fortunate enough to have an amazing mother-in-law who has taught me how to make my own flour. She not only taught me, she provides me with buckets of whole grain. She also gave me a counter top mill, and a mixer with a kneading arm. So the flour I used came from a red wheat whole grain... it is a heavier flour, so I added a little bit of store bought organic oat flour to lighten it up a bit. For great results, try using half organic whole wheat, and half white wheat. If you are interested in making your own flour I can get the information for you on how to get what you need! It is super easy, and super healthy.

Any recipe I try, I change it to make it as healthy as possible.. 1, for the health benefits, and 2 so my husband might actually try what I make :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New Direction!

I'm back1!!

I really am terrible at keeping up with any kind of blog. But I decided I to start photo blogging recipes. Cooking and Baking are two things I LOVE, and I don't think I'm too shabby at it ;). I am definitely a beginner, but I would love to share recipes I come across, and share how I've tweaked them to make them my own

Today I am making a flat bread pizza! Fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, and flat bread dough starting with the grain! Currently roasting the tomatoes :)

Quick update on the year: we moved at the end of August into a gorgeous town home. One of my husband's clients moved out of state and graciously offered it to us for an unbelievable price to rent it out. I now have a beautiful kitchen so I want to use it as much as I can! Here is a more recent picture.. I look 100% different, but I am a hairstylist so that happens sometimes.

The blog will be getting in overhaul asap!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

PrEsS ReWiNd

The person you are today and the person you have been definitely has a say in your future whether you like it or not. Sometimes I'll look at a picture from a few years ago and remember everything that was going on in my life at that time...

 and sometimes I like the person I was in that picture better than the one I am now. It's amazing how a little insecurity can  creep into your life and completely obstruct your personality and temperament.

Sounds like the work of Satan to me. Sneaky bastard. lol

well, realize, and figure out how to not go back, but to live right now and kind of start fresh? Cuz let's face it; as much as I would give anything to go back to 2008 for a day, I cant. God's got great things for right now and I'm done missing out because of my battles.

My favorite band put out a new album!!! It's a great week

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Fail :)

So far I am absolutely terrible at this, but I will try to get better :)

I'll share a little bit of our lives in each post I think. We'll see.

After 6 months of marriage I'm starting to get into the swing of things as far as staying on top of groceries, mail, laundry etc. Okay maybe not so much on laundry because I hate it.

So groceries and meals are a little different for us compared to most people. My Husband is a personal trainer for Equinox Fitness and he is the healthiest person I know. (and extremely fit and sexy! ;) ) Personal training and nutrition has always been something I have been interested in as well for a long time. I was all ready to go to school for it.. maybe in the future for health and nutrition. We need a balance. Two trainers in our house would be too much.

 But with that being said, we both have a passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle. He's a little better at it than I am... I still love my lattes.

For the most part we eat clean.  There are tons of definitions for this... but basically it's eating fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins, nuts (mostly raw almonds). Some define it as everything in its purest form which would mean getting all meats from a butcher... We mostly have chicken breasts and we buy too much of it a week to go organic or get it from a butcher!

I would say I eat 85% clean. I still will occasionally go out to eat with friends and family. Jesse (husband) is more towards 100%... he has this insane self discipline. It used to irritate me so much that he would never cheat, but really I was just jealous. Pretty sad lol. I hope our friends and family don't think we're stuck up food people or that we frown upon their fried food...

 This is how we chose to live and for me, with an occasional slice of pizza or scoop of ice cream  :) I feel so much better and get wayy better results from my workouts when I stick to it!

I am at the grocery store mm... almost everyday. I'm starting to keep track better though so that its less. Jesse is gone sometimes from 7am-8pm so he brings all of his food for the day. I try and help to make his life a little easier by measuring out his stuff for few days in advance. (this is more recent and it makes things easier!) People think its so complicated, but seriously 10 minutes a day to get your meals together and you're set.

Today is my Sunday. Which means tomorrow is Monday. Which means I have crap to get done. Praying this headache leaves... I don't have time for it.

Love, Sky

Monday, January 17, 2011

This Weather Is a Bit Excessive..

Chicago weather can be crazy... today it snowed 5 inches, then started sleeting, then raining.. now who knows because I'm inside our cozy apartment (Thank God)

Catfish was awesome!! Very weird... has a strange and random title. Someone talks about a catfish in the end so that's what they titled it? lol Anyway, it's a crazy documentary and I enjoyed it. Go watch it. now.

Alright. Time to kick Jesse's ass in Yahtzee.  Hmm maybe winning in Yahtzee isn't something too cool to brag about... hah.

Love, Sky

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Funday

First post ever! I've never had a blog before :) Check back because I'm going to make it look better I promise.. Most likely with the help of my undercover nerdy husband.

I'm not sure how to "blog" considering I don't have anything in particular to talk about... I guess it will be a little window into my life, my God, husband, goals, dreams, thoughts etc.

This made me laugh

OK time for a movie... Catfish? I'll let you know how it goes.

-Love, Sky